Sunday, August 10, 2014

Fountain Demo Part 1,345,543

If it wasn't 110* outside we probably could have knocked the majority of this project out on a Saturday/Sunday but so far it has stretched over 3 half Saturdays.  Yes, half days.  It is so ridiculously hot out here by noon that we just have to quit and find something else to do like take a nap and watch F1 racing.

This weekend we leveled out the rim of the pond and then bought 20 bags of topsoil and filled in the hole.  It is starting to look like a backyard but we probably need 20 more bags of soil to account for settling and make it as level as possible.  Then there are the rocks.  The bulk drop off is across the street from my office which is perfect if I take a change of clothes and can dump off rocks a few times a week on my way home.  We haven't quite figured out how to transport them yet so that the weight is manageable and we can lift the container into the truck bed without having to make thousands of trips.  SO. MANY. ROCKS.

Hey I finally made an appearance in my own blog!

Once we finish this pond project and get the rocks out of here, I would like to start tearing out the honeysuckle and rose bush off the fence (photo to come).  Or show the interior of the house some attention and do a little painting and try scraping the popcorn ceilings.

I see a few people checking out my site which is exciting!  Does anyone have anything in particular that they would like to read about?

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